A journey to get to know the treasures of the Lodi area through free guided visits to museums, cultural heritage and naturalistic areas in the area.
Tra gli eventi, Sesmones segnala le visite al Museo della Stampa e della Stampa d’Arte, al Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Folligeniali, alla famosissima Collezione Anatomica Paolo Gorini, alla mostra a ricordo della Grande Guerra nel lodigiano presso l’Archivio Storico Comunale di Lodi.
And again, the excursion to the historic park of Palazzo Stanga in Castelnuovo Bocca d’adda (LO), with a concert in the countryside, and the fun group cycle routes with guided tours.
To find out about all the events of the event, you can visit the website www.turismolodi.it